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MercEmail A Weekly Devotional
from Steve Higginbotham

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What's It Worth To You?
by Steve Higginbotham
October 6, 2008

Two days ago, one of our neighbors asked my youngest son and daughter if they would be willing to take care of her pets while she goes on vacation. 

This request reminded me of a story about a little 10 year-old girl who was asked to take care of her neighbor's dog.  She was told she would have to
feed and walk the dog every day, and especially give him lots of love. Then the neighbor asked the little girl what the job would be worth to her.  The little girl thought for a moment and said, "I'd really like that job. I could give you five dollars."  Needless to say, the little girl got the job.

Every time I think of that story, I can't help but think of how this should parallel the attitude of one who serves Christ.  Friends,  we shouldn't have to be coaxed, enticed, and rewarded to serve the Lord.  Rather, we should be asking what we could willingly give away so that we could own the privilege of serving Jesus, wearing His name, and being called a disciple of Christ.

What's it worth to you to serve the Lord?

Copyright © 2008, South Green Street Church of Christ, Glasgow, Kentucky
Permission is granted to copy these articles.